Live carefree your new house with Nationale Woongarantie

If you’re purchasing a home with Nationale Woongarantie, you’re making a wise decision. At no additional cost, you can have the assurance that you’ll be able to continue living in your dream home, even in challenging times. It’s truly comforting to have such assurance.

When you’re buying a house, there are many factors to consider. Is this the right house? Is this the right moment? And the question of whether you can (continue to) afford the living expenses is an important one. Nationale Woongarantie has the answer to that question.

This is the assurance provided by Nationale Woongarantie

Nationale Woongarantie ensures that in the event of involuntary unemployment, you can continue to meet your mortgage payments. If your (combined) income decreases by more than 15% in the first four years after purchase, you will immediately receive a benefit equivalent to 50% of your gross mortgage expenses (interest and repayment). This provides peace of mind, ensuring that your home remains a comfortable and secure place.

The benefits of Nationale Woongarantie for you:

Worry-free living

With Nationale Woongarantie, your home remains a comfortable and secure place. You don’t have to worry about not being able to cover your living expenses in times of adversity. It truly provides peace of mind.

A four-year guarantee on housing expenses in the event of involuntary unemployment

If you become unemployed within the first four years after purchasing your house, Nationale Woongarantie comes into effect automatically. You will then receive a payout equivalent to 50% of your gross mortgage expenses (interest and repayment), with a maximum of €4000 per month.

Continue living in your home, even in times of adversity

Thanks to Nationale Woongarantie, you no longer have to worry about being unable to cover your living expenses in case of involuntary unemployment. If you become involuntarily unemployed, Nationale Woongarantie steps in immediately.

A net benefit equivalent to 50% of the gross mortgage expenses (interest and repayment) in times of adversity

The net payout you receive monthly from Nationale Woongarantie in case of involuntary unemployment is 50% of your gross mortgage expenses, which includes both your interest and repayment.

For example, if you pay €1,200 in mortgage every month, Nationale Woongarantie will provide you with €600 monthly. With this assurance, you have less to worry about in terms of maintaining your residence, and you’ll have sufficient time to find a new job.

The Nationale Woongarantie is cost-free

If you buy a house with Nationale Woongarantie, all associated benefits and guarantees come at no extra cost to you. The seller of your house has already secured Nationale Woongarantie for the sale of the property, allowing you to benefit from this guarantee at no additional expense.

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Nationale Woongarantie in practice

The Nationale Woongarantie is arranged by the seller of the house. It’s, in a way, an addition to the house. As the buyer of the house, you can then benefit from the Nationale Woongarantie at no cost. You do this by claiming your guarantee certificate after the purchase of the house.

Frequently asked questions about Nationale Woongarantie

Who can benefit from the NWG?

Anyone purchasing a house with Nationale Woongarantie can benefit from the assurance it provides at no cost. Only self-employed individuals and retirees are not eligible for Nationale Woongarantie.

What does the NWG cover?

Nationale Woongarantie covers 50% of your gross mortgage expenses (interest and repayment) up to a maximum of €4000 per month. You receive this monthly payout if you become involuntarily unemployed and the total household income decreases by at least 15%.

What is meant by gross mortgage expenses?

If you become involuntarily unemployed and the total household income decreases by at least 15%, Nationale Woongarantie covers 50% of your gross mortgage expenses (interest and repayment) up to a maximum of €4000 per month. Gross mortgage expenses include both the interest costs and the mortgage repayment.

How long am I covered for involuntary unemployment with the NWG?

With Nationale Woongarantie, you have four years of coverage in the event of involuntary unemployment. You will receive a maximum of two years of benefits, equivalent to 50% of your gross mortgage expenses (interest and repayment) up to a maximum of €4000 per month.

I’ve purchased a house with NWG, what’s next?

Congratulations on purchasing a house with Nationale Woongarantie! Claim your Nationale Woongarantie benefits promptly.

What is the difference between NWG and NHG?

Nationale Woongarantie reimburses 50% of housing costs if the owner of a house becomes unemployed. The Nationale Hypotheek Garantie (NHG) does not, but pays the residual debt if the owner is forced to sell the house. The NWG prevents that fate and is therefore a sensible and welcome addition to the NHG.

What do I pay for the NWG?

If you purchase a house with Nationale Woongarantie, you can benefit from it at no extra cost. The Nationale Woongarantie is arranged for you by the seller of the house.

When will I receive a payout from the NWG?

You will receive the monthly payout from Nationale Woongarantie if you become involuntarily unemployed and the total household income decreases by at least 15%. Nationale Woongarantie will then cover 50% of your gross mortgage expenses (interest and repayment) up to a maximum of €4000 per month.

Do I need to pay tax on the payout?

No, the payout from Nationale Woongarantie is a net payout and therefore tax-free.

How do I obtain the NWG?

You are eligible for Nationale Woongarantie if you purchase a house with Nationale Woongarantie and claim the NWG within two weeks of buying the house.

What is considered involuntary unemployment?

With Nationale Woongarantie, you receive a payout if you become involuntarily unemployed. Involuntary unemployment refers to a situation where you are not at fault for losing your job, and it could not have been anticipated.

This is Nationale Woongarantie

Nationale Woongarantie is an initiative to make the housing market safer and more social. In a rapidly changing society, fortunes and misfortunes can occur at a high pace. With Nationale Woongarantie, buyers have the assurance that, even in times of adversity, they can continue to live in their dream home.